EM plus Technology is a technology which uses positive effects of beneficial microorganisms in all segments of organic and conventional agriculture both in enriching the soil biological activity and having a positive impact on plants as a whole. It also improves hygienic conditions in the area where animals live and around it and at the same time maintains and improves the quality of the environment.

Available products:

  • Multitop Plus
  • EM Aktiv
  • Bio lit/Zeolit
  • eMB balans/septico
  • eMB aktiv
  • eMB starter aktiv

Farm hygiene

Farm hygiene is the first and foremost condition for successful production and therefore deserves special attention.

It is necessary to prepare a suitable solution which will vary depending on the type of the production (cattle, poultry, sheep raising), type of the ventilation system in the premises and the type of object where they are grown.

EM Aktiv + water solution in the ratio from 1:1 to 1:10 and used to spray the entire area where animals stay 2 to 3 times a week.

The treatment should be performed using either a hand or motor spray dispenser with subtle dispersing method.

Application advantages

    • improving the climate in the premises

  • rotting process in the premises is interrupted and unpleasant smells are thus eliminated (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, methane, etc)

  • the number of fly larva and other insects is reduced


  • the presence of pathogenic (harmful) bacteria is eliminated and thus decrease the illnesses they cause


  • the increased quality of manure

EM products DO NOT HAVE a withholding period when they are used independently and they are not harmful for humans, animal and environment.

Manure composting

Manure is produced at the farm and it is actually a mixture of urine, excrement and litter and apart from hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, it also contains nitrogen, potassium and calcium. This type of organic waste is disposed at large piles and is left to rest for a year so it can become stable and be used as fertiliser. However, such manure is a potential source of disease, and during its spontaneous decomposing, harmful odours with unpleasant smell are generated (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, etc). Due to that, a more acceptable option for manure compositing is in controlled conditions which are used to put it into a stable condition and turn it into quality fertiliser. In order to implement this process, a product with beneficial microorganisms EM Aktiv is used because it significantly reduces the time needed for composting, eliminates unpleasant smells, insects and harmful gases, but at the same time maintains all the useful ingredients the manure has while rotting process is eliminated. The process involves the manure disposal into compost heaps which are about 1.5 m – 2m high.

The surface prepared for the disposal (cleared from the surface layers and grass) is covered with the organic substrate (straw, cornstalks, leaves, different waste, etc) up to 10-20 cm, covered with stone dust and sprayed with EM Aktiv and then we put a layer of manure up to 30-40 cm. The procedure is repeated until we reach the height of about 1.5 to 2 m. The final layer is soil whose thickness is up to 10-15 cm. During the composting process in which dry material is used, each layer is watered additionally.
The composting process lasts for 8 weeks and the composting mass maturity process lasts for 4 to 6 months.

The process involves the manure disposal into compost heaps which are about 1.5 m – 2m high.

The quantity needed per m3 of manure:

  • 1 liter of EM Aktiv
  • 1-2 kg of stone dust – Bio-lit / Zeolit

Waste and waste water treatment

Waste and waste water treatment is performed in order to eliminate unpleasant odours, reduce the number of flies and other insects around a farm and the reduction of negative influence waste water may have on the environment.

Waste and waste water treatment is to be performed in consultation with the distributer and its type and quantity will depend on its quantities. The following formulations should be used:

  • eMB Aktiv
  • eMB Starter Aktiv
  • eMB balans/septico