In the countries which do not have a system for primary waste separation set up, large quantities of organic waste end up at communal waste landfill where their degradation continues through rotting when the unpleasant smell is intensified and a large number of insects are present.
Furthermore, the mud generated by the waste water filters very often end up in the landfill bodies that additionally fill sanitary and non-sanitary landfills which handle communal waste.
Due to this, the highly needed space at the landfill is lost, a large number of insects are present and they are potential disease vectors, intensive and unpleasant smell is generated and the living and work are is degraded.

EM plus composting technology implies the separation of organic waste from communal or industrial waste and included into fermentation degradation by using beneficial microorganisms and thus fastens the degradation time, reduces unpleasant smells and the number of insects (flies, mosquitoes, bugs, etc.)
If we apply this method, we are going to get a quality compost with higher usage properties (given that the compost produced from communal waste is sometimes not allowed to be used in farming), there will be no unpleasant smell and insects which will have a positive impact on the living and working environment and the surrounding in general at the location where composting is done will be of better quality.