Due to the seriousness of this problem, a number of technologies have been developed to purify them and they will vary depending on the type and quantity of waste water. It is generally known that different types of bacteria are used in purification process, so different options have been created in the form of biological devices used to treat waste waters.
Our technology of waste water biological treatment is based on adding positive cultures of microorganisms at the application site (drains, shafts, separators, septic tanks, biological treatment plants – SBRs, bio disks, large plants for biological processing of waste water, etc) where following the establishment of the domination of positive cultures, the purification process is done without unpleasant smells and the technology implies the maintenance of the set up biological activity by continuous adding of necessary quantity of our products.
This technology is qualified by its simplicity and efficiency.
Simplicity is reflected in the simple use at the existing drain systems and the treatment of waste water without any additional investment costs.
Available products :
- eMB starter aktiv
- eMB aktiv
- eMB balans/septico
- Automatic dossier device – BIO EM DISPENSER
Efficiency is reflected in the results achieved following the application
- Reduction of the quantity of the suspended substances,
- Reduction in the amount of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, BPK, HPK etc compounds that are present in waste water.
- Elimination of unpleasant smells, setting up better conditions in the working and living environment when compared to other expensive solutions.
Our technology may be used as the primary technology for waste water treatment but also as a complementary technology in the pre-treatment at the existing waste water purification systems.